Conducting effective board meetings


Board meetings play an important role in the running of any nonprofit. The challenge, however, is to keep your board meetings productive, and your board from being "bored."

In his book, Engagement, fundraiser & author Rob Peacock notes that, "The fact is that things of great magnitude may occur at board meetings when it comes to dreaming the dream and sharing the vision. During these serious discussions, there may be opportunities for immediate issues to be resolved
within the collective. The primary purpose of the meeting is to make decisions, not just share information."

Peacock says that in order to hold effective board meetings you need to:

1. Engender a sense of team work.
2. Reinforce a shared vision.
3. Offer stimulation for ideas
4. Foster an overall sense of mission and purpose
5. Afford time to recount stories and successes
6. Connect board members with the work of staff

Keep these tips in mind:

People who are engaged in board leadership need to adapt to the culture and style of the organization, while applying a sense of altruism.

Volunteers are busy people. There is an obligation to offer appropriate training to deal with a sophisticated agenda.

Serving on a voluntary board is a serious undertaking with decision making responsibilities that cannot be taken lightly. Meeting attendance is crucial.

The quality and spirit of board meetings is entirely up to the Board itself. Content, quality and preparation will all have an effect on the enjoyment and productivity of meetings.

To get the full story on engaging your board, order Rob Peacock's Engagement for $42 print or $18.50 PDF.

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