Independent Canadian news and analysis for the nonprofit sector

We’re still giving, often on a whim

publication date: Dec 5, 2011
Despite a volatile market, 71% of Canadians plan on donating the same amount or more compared to last year.  These results from an online October poll were released by BMO Harris Private Banking to mark National Philanthropy Day in November.

The study, conducted by Leger Marketing, found that in the past 12 months, Canadians gave an average of $487 to charitable organizations. However, the report also found that 54% of Canadians don't have a strategy when donating, and instead give on an ad hoc basis.

"It is encouraging to see Canadians giving despite the current economic environment," said Marvi Ricker, vice-president & managing director of philanthropic services, BMO Harris Private Banking. "However, I do encourage those that donate to sit down with a financial professional and develop a giving strategy that can become part of a financial plan, including a disciplined and strategic examination of goals, objectives, interests and options."

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