publication date: Oct 2, 2012
author/source: Yvonne Chenier
A: They both have "Quick View."

In the case of Google, Quick View is a snapshot of
actual pages that could be downloaded.
In the case of the
Canada Revenue
Agency Charities Directorate it is a filtered and one might say distorted
view of pages they have on file. It is
a view (in full colour pie chart form ) of what CRA considers someone looking for information about a charity
would be most interested in; i.e., how and where it gets its revenue, how it
spends it and how much is going to the big salaries and consulting fees.
So now with the CRA, just like with Google, there is
no need to download and analyse a full document when looking for
information. A picture has already been
taken (or painted in the case of the CRA) for you. Check it out by searching
your favourite charities at and clicking on the T3010 link for recent
returns filed. This will make comparing
charities very interesting for sure. The
media will no doubt have a field day.
to your mother
So charities, be warned. As many mothers would say, don't do anything
that you don't want to see on the front page of the national newspaper. This applies to charities that have no choice
but to place their information on a public website for all to manipulate. Remember the "garbage in garbage out" theory.
In this case, all charities should go on line now and view the Quick View of
their information that is being presented.
your Quick View accurate?
Check the following:
Is the information on Quick View an accurate
reflection of the charity's revenue sources and expenditure categories?
If it is not, then review the relevant T3010 forms
that have been signed by someone in the organization and submitted to the Charities
Directorate, as that is where the information comes from.
If the information submitted is not correct, then charities
can ask the CRA to correct errors in a previously submitted T3010 return by
completing form T1240, Registered Charity
Take steps to ensure that all future T3010 forms that
are submitted are put through your own Quick View filter before they are sent
all information sites consistent
In other words, someone should look at the public
display of information very carefully! An overall caution is to make sure that
all sources of information about a charity should be accurate and consistent. Whether it is on Quick View, a charity`s own website,
a printed annual report or a blog, twitter, Facebook or any new social media place yet to be invented,
the information should be the same.
prefers to work for clients in the philanthropic and aboriginal sectors, acting
as general legal counsel and advising on planning, organizational, regulatory
and governance matters.
has served as a trustee, board member or founder of numerous organizations. She
is actively involved in her professional associations and speaks frequently to
various groups on topics ranging from legal to financial matters.
her at;